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Marriage 101:

The Proper Care

& Feeding of Husbands


A better, happier marriage is possible.


Dr. Laura Schlessinger's provocative (and proven), six-lesson, online course designed to provide YOU with the solutions and tools you need to fix, improve, and even rescue your marriage right now.



Marriage 101:

The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands 



A better, happier marriage is possible. 



Dr. Laura Schlessinger's provocative (and proven), six-session, online course designed to provide YOU with the solutions and tools you need to fix, improve, and even rescue your marriage right now.


Start Fixing Your Marriage


Articles & Emails

4️⃣ Myths About Love by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Standing up to bullies!

Read on Substack

📧 There’s Nothing Like a Mother’s Love by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Read on the Tuesday, Mar 18th radio program.

Read on Substack

📧 I Used to Wish I Was Divorced by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Read on the Wednesday, Mar 19th radio program.

Read on Substack

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Marriage 101: 
Does Your Marriage Feel Hopeless? 


All around us marriages are crumbling. Divorce is rampant. 

The Joneses are divorcing after 30 years.

The Smiths are on the rocks.

Something is DEFINITELY going on with the Warrens.

Your marriage? It seems headed toward the ocean bottom. Or at least headed in the wrong direction.

But what if you could save it before it shipwrecked, or get it back on course? You can. In "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands," Dr. Laura gives you time-tested and true wisdom on how to improve your marriage and even rescue it. It's packed with advice, practical steps, and important nuggets to show you what you can do before it's too late.

Wherever you are, know that you can do do something about your marriage. You can be happy. You can improve it. You just have to take action. These lessons show you how!


All The Tools You Need to Improve and Strengthen Your Marriage, and Find Happiness


A lot of women want a better marriage. You do that, which is why you're here. But how? Dr. Laura Schlessinger explains what her course, "Marriage 101: The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands," does for weary women looking for answers.


Guiding You to a Better Marriage

What You're Doing Wrong

Before you can fix a problem, you have to admit you have one. But there’s one step in between: identifying precisely what it is you're doing wrong. Well, this lesson gives you the answers!

The Big Lie

Too many women have bought into a huge myth about who they are and what they can do. It's "white rabbit syndrome," and it's one of the big reasons women find themselves miserable in marriage. Find out how to identify it, and how to set yourself straight, before it's too late.

Do You Hear Yourself?

Even if you don't realize it, the truth is you've probably become  the nagging wife. Let's be honest: You don't hear yourself, but your husband sure does. Learn how to identify nagging, and why it's an even bigger behavioral issue than you might realize.

The Truth About Feelings

There's a mistake nearly all women make when it comes to husbands and feelings. And it's chipping away at marriage after marriage. Find out how to spot the mistake, correct it, and then build a better marriage once you do.

Communication Matters

Knowing when and how to communicate with your husband is key. But if you think it's as simple as sitting down for a heart-to-heart, you may be shocked to hear the truth. This lesson uncovers some of the most important aspects of spousal communication.

The Sex Talk

Guess what: Sex is not an option in your marriage. It's just not. Find out what happens when you deny your husband sex, but also what happens when you enthusiastically enjoy it. It could be the key to unlocking a healthy marriage.


What You're Doing Wrong

Before you can fix a problem, you have to admit you have one. But there’s one step in between: identifying precisely what it is you're doing wrong. Well, this lesson gives you the answers!

The Big Lie

Too many women have bought into a huge myth about who they are and what they can do. It's "white rabbit syndrome," and it's one of the big reasons you're miserable. Find out how to identify it, and how to set yourself straight, before it's too late.

Do You Hear Yourself?

Even if you don't realize it, the truth is you've probably become  the nagging wife. Let's be honest: You don't hear yourself, but your husband sure does. Learn how to identify nagging, and why it's an even bigger behavioral issue than you might realize.

The Truth About Feelings

There's a mistake nearly all women make when it comes to husbands and feelings. And it's destroying marriage after marriage. Find out how to spot the mistake, correct it, and then build a better marriage once you do.

Communication Matters

Knowing when and how to communicate with your husband is key. But if you think it's as simple as sitting down for a heart-to-heart, you may be shocked to hear the truth. This lesson uncovers some of the most important aspects of spousal communication.

The Sex Talk

Guess what: Sex is not an option in your marriage. It's just not. Find out what happens when you deny your husband sex, but also what happens when you enthusiastically enjoy it. It could be the key to unlocking a healthy marriage.


One Low Price


Unlimited Access

  • All six (6) online classes
  • Three (3) robust hours of content
  • Go at your own pace, on your own time
  • Unlimited access (watch and rewatch as many times as you need)
  • Companion guide for each lesson
  • Crucial marital wisdom based on decades of work

A Thriving Marriage Doesn't Have to be Elusive

"Marriage 101:  The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" is based on Dr. Laura's bestselling book of the same title. Each class focuses on a different aspect of your marriage and empowers you to take control and make change. 

This is the kind of practical advice couples pay thousands of dollars for, and now Dr. Laura is making it available to you at a fraction of the cost.

If you want to improve your marriage — or need a marriage lifeline — this is the class for you. Join Dr. Laura (and literally tens of thousands of others who have taken the course ) on a journey of self-awareness, self-discovery, and self-improvement and start improving your marriage immediately.


Want to Gift a Better Marriage?

You can easily gift "Marriage 101: The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" to someone who could use it. Click the button below to see how to help improve a friend or family member's marriage.

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Actual Testimonials

Over 15,000 people have signed up for Dr. Laura's marriage course! These are testimonials from actual course participants.


"I cried 3 times through this first lesson. Can’t wait to go on!!


Thank you Dr. Laura. 2 nights ago I asked God to help me and he gave me you.”


I truly value Dr. Laura's wisdom about love and marriage. This is very good. Great advice!”


“This video left me in tears. I stepped into my husband's shoes for a change and I felt very overwhelmed.”


“Wow - I cried. Especially when the letter was read to the wife. God help me.”


“I'm in a new relationship after my husband of 45 years passed away 6 years ago. This info is helping to reinforce all the things I should keep in mind to help our relationship to grow. Thank you!”

From Dr. Laura:


"For five decades, women have been coming to me for advice on everything from saving their relationships to achieving marital happiness and satisfaction. Now I'm going to help you. Together we'll dive into the intimate topics that impact a marriage. If you want to improve your marriage or save it altogether, this is the class just for you."


Get actionable marriage advice you can use right now with a complimentary lesson!


Want to take the Marriage 101 course for a test drive? We're giving you an abridged version of the course's first lesson when you join Dr. Laura's mailing list. The lesson includes tips and advice you can start using RIGHT NOW to improve your marriage.

        More marriages can be saved than you realize!

        Join the thousands upon thousands of others who have taken control of their marriages and rescued their failing relationships through "Marriage 101: The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands." 


        More Dr. Laura
