Dear Dr Laura,
I just read a blog from a Catholic woman who was sharing her "discovery" with other women who were very unhappy in their marriages. She too had been very unhappy in hers until she stumbled upon your book,
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. - Tabbatha
Below is an excerpt:
Women: Save Your Marriage. In Five Minutes. This is going to sound like a cheesy testimonial, but stay with me.
Ladies, if you have been struggling in your relationship with your husband (and sooo many women do), I know a way that you can begin to change -- even save -- your marriage. In five minutes.
Trust me on this. I've seen it happen first hand.
…Let me be clear: Divorce was never, ever an option for my husband and me, nor was it even in our lexicon. But there was a time in our marriage when tensions were high, feelings of affection were low, and things had generally broken down. Communication was terrible, and we had ceased assuming the good intent of the other. For my part, I had lost respect for my husband, whom I felt was not "a real man" (gosh, it's hard to type those words!). I almost disdained him, and I nagged, nitpicked, and criticized my way through most of our days.
Then one day about ten years ago, something happened that was the equivalent of getting a 2x4 smashed over my head. It was nothing outwardly dramatic, but in this event I recognized in one instant that I had created in my husband all the things that I in turn despised. I was immediately ashamed of what I had done to this man who had married me and who loved me, and I made a paradigm shift on the spot. Nothing has been the same since the day I had my epiphany, and our marriage is now strong and happy. I love and respect my husband dearly.
Read the rest of Women:
Save Your Marriage. In Five Minutes.