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Letters From Listeners

Raising a Gentleman

Hi Dr Laura,

I raised my boy to be a gentleman. He is 23 years old and has been holding the door open for females and the elderly as long as I can remember. The other day we made a quick stop at a convenience store. I waited in the car while my son went in. As he approached the door, he ran up to open it for a woman in her 30's. Can you believe that lady didn't even mutter "Thank You" to him...Nothing.  She just walked right in, not even acknowledging my son at all. (By the way, he's very handsome so maybe she's blind and didn't see him open the door - I don't know, I didn't see a cane or a dog.)  When my son got back into the car, I said, "That was so incredibly rude of that woman." He commented that it happens all the time.

So I understand WHY men are reluctant to hold open an elevator or door for a woman... because woman are blind... we really are.

You're the best!


Tags: Behavior, Raising Boys to Men, Relationships, Social Issues, Values
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