Dear Dr. Laura:
I just love, love, love your new gavel! I laugh every time you use it.
When my amazing husband passed away at age 59 several years ago, I was faced with a choice: curl up in a ball and let it defeat me or get back into life and really LIVE it with gusto to honor him and myself. I chose the latter, and I can testify that life can be fabulous on the other side of grief.
Was it scary? Hell yes! But if I hadn't stepped out of my comfort zone, I would have never known the brilliant future that awaited me. I quit my career as a flight attendant to care for my husband when he became ill. When he died, I reinvented myself by starting a boutique public relations firm dedicated to authors. It was not a straight or easy path, but it was worth every setback, unsure moment and crazy learning curve for the past nine years. I am more confident and happy as a result. I have not remarried, because I have a full life and freedom and am whole on my own.
We are given a chance to rewrite the story of our lives when a major life event throws us off course. It's a gift. Unwrap it. Use it to create a brilliant new life from the crucible of loss. Loss is not the end, but an invitation to change.
Thank you for keeping it real.
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