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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:




Call of the Day: His Ghosting Is Haunting Me
By Dr. Laura on July 2, 2024

Dr. Laura prescribes a quick and easy remedy to Sara who can’t get over being ghosted.

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Call of the Day: Grief Has Turned My Life Upside-Down
By Dr. Laura on July 2, 2024

Stacy feels overwhelmed with balancing intense grief and keeping up with her previous routine.

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Call of the Day: I Do What My Husband Wants
By Dr. Laura on July 1, 2024

Karla's unwillingness to think for herself and stand up to her husband is ruining her relationship with her daughter.

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Call of the Day: I Don't Know How to Live on My Own
By Dr. Laura on June 28, 2024

Michael is newly divorced and floundering since his ex-wife ran their home and did practically everything for him.

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Call of the Day: I Keep Reliving My Abandonment
By Dr. Laura on June 28, 2024

Despite past abandonments, Dr. Laura shows Carrie that her life is filled with people who stepped up and committed themselves to her.

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Call of the Day: My Daughter's Tumor Has Changed Her
By Dr. Laura on June 28, 2024

Jennifer is worried that her 14-year-old daughter has become withdrawn since having brain surgery.

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Call of the Day: My Friend Wants to Be My Priority
By Dr. Laura on June 28, 2024

Rebecca fears hurting a long-time friend who has unrealistic expectations for their relationship.

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Deep Dive: How to Teach Your Daughter to Avoid Stupid Mistakes
By Dr. Laura on June 27, 2024

In 1994, after more than a decade of trying to help my female callers and private clients unravel the mistakes they were making, I wrote my first bestseller, β€œThe 10 Stupid Things Women Do...

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Email of the Day: Love Your Kids More Than You Hate Your Ex
By Dr. Laura on June 27, 2024

I often listen to you on my bicycle rides, and it was on one of these rides I heard you say in my ear, β€œYou need to love your kids more than you hate your ex-husband.” It was like a bell...

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