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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Blog: 10 Ways to Rekindle the Romance in Your Marriage

By Dr. Laura on October 14, 2024
Blog: 10 Ways to Rekindle the Romance in Your Marriage

You might think that trying to rekindle the romance in your marriage is heavy stuff. However, itโ€™s actually just the opposite. Getting back the love you once had is pretty easy and pleasant, however, many people are too self-centered, stubborn or lazy to do what it takes. Here are my tips to rekindle the romance in your marriage:


  1. Be silly together. Remember how you were when you were first together? Take time out to be silly with each other and make each other laugh. Go to your local petting zoo and be like kids again. Being cute and having fun with each other is a great way to reconnect.

  2. Take walks. Whether youโ€™re big on hiking or like strolls around the block, taking walks - especially at sunrise or sunset - can be very romantic. Walk hand in hand, arm in arm, and shoulder to shoulder looking at how beautiful everything is.

  3. Put your phones away when youโ€™re with each other. Be in the moment rather than thinking about all that outside stuff.

  4. Ride your bikes to a local coffee or smoothie shop. Have something to drink, people-watch, and then ride your bikes home.

  5. Have little adventures together. Look in the local newspaper to see whatโ€™s going on near you.

  6. Go out to dinner with just the two of you. It doesnโ€™t have to be anything expensive - just some cute place where you can share an appetizer and a main dish.

  7. Make dinner together. Stand there and chop vegetables together. Or switch it up - go on the Internet, find a ridiculous, ultra-complicated recipe, and then see if you can pull it off together.  

  8. Take a trip. You donโ€™t have to spend a bunch of money on a resort. There are tons of options out there where you can rent a house, condo, or an apartment. You can even bring your own food to cook if you need to save money

  9. Relax together. Light the fireplace if you have one, curl up together, and watch a stupid movie. Fall asleep in each otherโ€™s arms.

  10. Do something nice. If you know that your spouse really likes something, set it up for him or her to go do.


As you can see, rekindling your romance isnโ€™t rocket science - it simply requires you to be unselfish. Nobody is just happy - happiness is a conglomeration of moments.



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