The Dr. Laura Program | Heard Daily on SiriusXM Triumph 111 & The Call of the Day Podcast

Blog: My Elderly Parents Are Doing the Wrong Thing!

Written by Dr. Laura | 6/17/24 5:51 PM
Veronica wrote to me asking, “Why can't my parents just do the right thing?” At 87 and 88, they were of sound mind but, as she described, in "a BIG age denial.” Health issues had led to a temporary stay in an assisted living facility, and Veronica thought that's where they should remain.


Her parents, however, believed that going back to their home of 30 years was what was best, despite their daughter's protests that they needed the security and safety of the retirement community. There are two important things I want everyone with aging parents to understand. First, you have no power to allow or disallow them to make decisions. As long as they are of sound mind, your parents' decisions trump yours. They're not children. They're just old.


Second, just because you've decided something is wrong doesn't mean it's wrong. You can relieve yourself of all your tension and stress by realizing that what your elderly parents do is none of your business.


Yes, you can be concerned. They are getting older, and they will die. That's something for you to accept. Enjoy them while they're here and stop nagging them. Worry less and start enjoying them more. 


Now, go do the right thing!



What did you struggle to accept with your older parents? How did you come to terms with changes due to their aging? Share your experience with me here!