April 18, 2013
A Poem Regarding Dr. Laura
Dear Dr. Laura, the love of my life
If we both were not married, I'd make you my wife
I know you are older and wiser my dear
You have all the answers, that we want to hear
Three hours a day you share your advice
The one's that don't take it, they will pay a price
Some callers are crazy, some ready to snap
Some feeling cheery and some feel like crap
They tell you their story, and you can relate
Some don't stop talking and want to debate
Some callers are graceful, real honest and true
Others are hurting, so bad feeling blue
Some cry while their sharing, tears flowing from their heart
When they get off the phone, they can make a fresh start
Your one hell of lady, Dr. Laura my friend
I'm a long time listener, who will be there till the end
I do have my issues and might call you one day
But for now I'll just listen and laugh and may cry
Depends on the callers and how hard you may pry
You do help so many, too many to know
All over the world, right around the globe
I'll cut this one short, with no pun intended
I could go on and on and on, but I think it's time it ended
Thank you Dr. Laura for many years of your life
Your husband is happy and grateful your his wife.
Love to you and bless you Dr. Laura
A friend in Canada.
Posted by Staff at 11:53 AM