Want to Go Out With Me?
November 11, 2013
Want to Go Out With Me?

Dear Dr. Laura,

Thank you so much for helping my mom raise me. It is because of your book, Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives that I have yet to mess up my life. I have a wonderful husband and 4 beautiful kiddos, to whom I get to stay home and raise. Over the years I have grown to understand what it means to be my kids' mom, but it wasn't until tonight that I really understood what it meant to be my husband's girlfriend.

My husband is gone at a bachelor party tonight. Being that I'm home alone with 4 kids I decided to make a night of it. I gave the kids their favorite dinner of mac' and peas, then let them stay up late watching shows. I gave them all baths and sent them to bed. I worked out a little, took a shower and then sat down to eat my dinner in peace and quiet - rare to come by around these parts. Right as I was about to take a bite of my vegan sandwich, something my husband wouldn't be caught dead eating, I thought of him. So I decided to send him a rather scandalous text. No pictures or anything, just a little comment to let him know I was thinking of him and missing him while he was gone. The minute I pressed send though I realized... The text was sent to my daughter's dance teacher!!! No joke. I was so embarrassed and proceeded to follow it with a very apologetic message. Then I sent my husband a message explaining what had happened. Instead of getting jealous or worked up that I had just sent this somewhat vulgar message to another man he laughed it off. Then he left the party to call me and tell me how much he loved and missed me on his night out with 'the boys.' It wasn't a long conversation, but it was just enough that we felt like we were dating again.

An hour later he sent me a message, "Hey Babe, I still want to take you up on that offer. I got a babysitter for tomorrow night, will you go out with me?" If that's not a message you get from your boyfriend I don't know what is!?

Thanks for all your advice. I hope in 50 years I can still be my husband's girlfriend.


Posted by Staff at 11:30 AM