4 Things to Never Talk About Behind Your Spouse's Back
October 24, 2017
4 Things to Never Talk About Behind Your Spouse's Back

Many people like to discuss their marital issues with their friends because they want sympathy and someone to side with them. However, just because someone is your friend doesn’t mean he or she has the wisdom or experience to help you. Your friend is probably not a professional, and everybody has his or her own values and agendas. In fact, if you badmouth your spouse and then reconcile, you may irreparably muddy their character.

Here are 4 things you shouldn’t talk about with anyone but your spouse:

  1. Your sex life. Whether your sex life is great or terrible, you shouldn’t be describing it to your friends. How would you like it if your spouse was going around talking about how your body parts function and how you behave during sex?

  2. Money. From bragging about having a lot to complaining about not having enough, discussing money causes jealousy between friends. People are sensitive about finances, and plus, you don’t want your friends viewing your spouse as irresponsible or negligent when times are tough.

  3. Medical/weight issues. I think this one is self-explanatory.

  4. In-law problems. Just like 1-3, unless your spouse has explicitly said, “It’s OK with me that you discuss this with your friends,” keep your mouth shut.

The bottom line is, don’t say anything to a friend that you wouldn’t say if your spouse was listening. It’s really simple - it’s called respect.

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Posted by Staff at 10:06 PM