March 9, 2018What Would Jesus Do?
Dr. Laura:
In January, I heard you talk about the guys who returned a stolen painting to its rightful owner, and it reminded me of a much smaller situation that involved me.
Around Christmas time, I went to a mall to do some shopping. When I got out of my car, there was a wallet on the ground by the rear wheel of another vehicle. It looked like a woman's wallet, so I went into the Target store at the mall to see if they had a lost and found and if they could use their loudspeaker to see if they could find the wallet's owner. They told me to take it to the police station several blocks away, which I did. I filled out some paperwork with my address and my cell phone number (and, by the way, I never opened the wallet, because I considered it someone's private property).
I was almost home when my cell phone rang, and it was the woman who had dropped her wallet. She was very happy and even more thankful. It made her day and mine. I didn't have to ask the question I hear so often - "What would Jesus do?" I already knew the answer!
Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM