A Caller's Playbook
January 28, 2015
A Caller's Playbook

If you call Dr. Laura, you must be prepared:

  • Don't waste time explaining you're nervous or scared. 

  • Skip "I know, but" "I feel like," "I guess" or "It's just..." 

  • Answer her questions--this is a MUST

  • If you say you're divorced, you must tell her WHY If you're playing the victim, then don't start to cry Never "talk over" the Doctor you've called. 

  • If you keep interrupting, your progress is stalled! 

  • Forget third person questions--just deal with you And dear Dr. Laura will explain what to do. 

  • Saying you'll "try" is as lame as it gets Hang up and GET IT TO IT, before you forget! 

  • Be a good listener, no matter your strife And her answers will help us ALL improve our lives! 

You are the best!

Love xo Diana

Posted by Staff at 10:57 AM