Day Care Is Now Being Called 'School'
January 22, 2014
Day Care Is Now Being Called 'School'

I’m tired of people sending their 2 and 3-year-olds to day care and calling it “school.” Just because you give it a fancy, positive name does not change the fact you’re putting them in day care. I don’t care why you’re doing it- whether you had a new baby and need the break or whether you have convinced yourself that a 2-year-old needs to spend time “socializing” all day with their peers away from home. Stop trying to convince me you’ve made the decision because you think it benefits your kid, and even more ridiculous, trying to convince me to ship off my kid as well. There is no research on your side, unless you’re a crappy mother to begin with.

I’m also getting tired of this religion-like philosophy that mothers must breastfeed their babies or else…I’m not saying I don’t support breastfeeding. I do in fact understand that it’s better for the health of babies to be breastfed. But why are the same people who push for this so strongly often back at work once their baby is 6 weeks old, pumping every few hours? You are breastfeeding in order to keep your baby healthy, but how do you justify sticking them in a day care, where they are much more likely to get ill from other sick kids? It’s great you’re giving your baby a healthy physical nutritious start, but why are you not as concerned with their healthy emotional wellbeing? Can women please get it together and focus on what’s most important. Raise your own kids. There is more research showing the negative effects of the broken family unit than there are on giving your baby formula. So please, let’s get our priorities in order.

Thank you for letting me rant.


Posted by Staff at 11:00 AM