The Value Of A Mother
June 9, 2017
The Value Of A Mother

Dr. Laura:

Almost 20 years ago, my then one-year-old son was taken care of by my mother-in-law while my wife and I worked.  I started listening to you around that time and was mesmerized at your insight on family dynamics and relationships in general, particularly about the effect the absence of a mother makes on the development of a child like ours.  It impacted me so much that I lost sleep over it, and finally told my wife that I couldn't have our son not be with his mom during these critical years.  I told her she needed to quit her job and I would take care of us.

I was scared out of my mind.  I was 27 years old then and didn't know how I was going to do it, but I knew it was the right thing to do.  We've made many sacrifices financially since then, and gone through many ups and downs.  My career had the same trajectory, including a devastating layoff and my having to work at multiple jobs (including delivering newspapers at 4 AM), but it has all been worth it.

We have five children at home, none of whom has ever been in daycare.  I've done everything I can to provide for my family, and I've been scared every step of the way, but have never wavered in my determination, because seeing the decent, thoughtful, caring individuals they have become has made it all worthwhile.  

Twenty years ago, you touched the life of a young man trying to do the right thing in this world.  I now understand that career, house, cars and savings accounts won't visit our graves when we're gone, but the family and legacy my wife and I have created will live on.  Your words do not fall on deaf ears, Dr. Laura, and I'm a better man because you reached me all those years ago.



Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM