April 9, 2013
If I Could Make One Thing Come True For A Friend
Dear Dr. Laura,
If I could make one wish come true for my friend, I would wish she would put the relationships given to her in this life over the pursuit of "things." It would be my desire to see her love her husband in a way that he longs to be loved and respected, not in a, "I will do such and such for him, if he does such and such for me." I would also wish she would put her children in the right perspective: that those little ones are going to grow up before we know it, and enjoy them. Don't go back to school, pursue career goals, or put your girlfriends ahead of your babies. Time is fleeting. When your children make mistakes, be there to make them pay the consequences of their mistakes, so they will grow up knowing the world does not owe them. Be there to cook wholesome meals for them, to teach them, to talk to them, so that when they are teenagers, they will talk to you.
For the friends who are placed in your life, be a friend, but don't be an enabler. If a friend is a victim, walk away. Look for friends who will strengthen you and help you grow into the person you were meant to be. As iron sharpens iron, so one man does another. Don't associate with women who bash their husbands, enable their children, and wallow in self pity. Associate with women who love their husbands, love their families, and who know that their strength is part of the foundation that keeps this world from falling apart. Life is a gift. Don't waste it on fruitless endeavors. Spend it on the things that will make us strong and bring us joy.
Posted by Staff at 11:51 AM