Spring Is in the Air
March 4, 2013
Spring Is in the Air
Whether March came in like a lion or lamb for you, it still means spring is around the corner!  Here are some listeners' memories of some springtime smells:

There are two smells that scream spring to me, and make me smile each year. The first is the wonderful fragrance of lilacs. We had several lilac bushes around our house growing up and I always loved the smell. Unfortunately, they only bloom for a few weeks during spring, and the scent always announces the season to me.

The second is the smell of freshly mowed grass. Odd? Well, I ran track in high school and college, and spent 10 years as an adult coaching; you could say that the sport means a lot to me. There was nothing better than being outside on a bright sunny Saturday morning, warming up on a field that had been mowed. The air is fresh and earthy, and it always makes me smile.

I love spring so much that I made sure I got married in the spring, in April, with a bouquet with lilacs as roses!

I remember lying in bed, hearing the first light patter of raindrops. Then opening the back door to let the puppy out and smelling that indescribable fresh aroma that comes with the first rain.

One of the first scents I associate with spring in Southern California is warm dirt. This past weekend I pruned my roses, picked weeds, and readied my vegetable garden for planting seeds. The weather had warmed up, and I could smell the warm earth. It always motivates me to prune and prepare my garden, in anticipation of the coming growth season.

A friend once gave me a plaque that says, "To plant a garden is to believe in the future." My time in the garden with the warming earth is often my time to reflect and look at my own life, and to review what I can weed from my life, what to prune, and what to fertilize and encourage to grow.

Kelly Ray:
When I hear the birds singing as the sun rises, I know spring is almost here. I also associate the smell of fresh cut grass (with a few field onions mixed in) as a SURE sign spring has arrived! Ahhhh . Can't wait! That's when my Boxer, Mollie, and I will enjoy some extra long walks.....

Posted by Staff at 11:05 AM