Stupid Things Women Do
April 15, 2014
Stupid Things Women Do

I've made every common sense and moral mistake I could make as a mother.  I had two kids by two dads and divorced both. After my second divorce, I decided I would never marry again.  I hated the feeling of failure and being a statistic.  Then I met a man who was equally adamant about not getting married.  We dated and have now shacked up together with my two kids for two years. Over time, I have discovered potential infidelity, although I cannot prove any of my "gut feelings." He convinced me to give up my career of 10 years and take a lesser paying job to be closer to home and the kids, so I am now also financially less stable than even the period following my divorce. I have realized I do not want to shack up and be another kind of statistic for the rest of my life.  Also I realize I do value marriage and what it offers, but he is still adamant that he does not. My oldest has one year of school left, then enters college and the youngest will start high school.
To top it off, this all comes from a woman who believes deeply in Jesus Christ, has been a successful business person and raised two incredible kids. It can happen to anyone. I would never advise anyone to make the mistakes that I have made. When you plant trees, don't plant lemon trees; plant hearty, wholesome, deep rooted trees so that midway through your life you do not look back and see an orchard of little saplings, but one giant, strong oak with many hearty branches.

Posted by Staff at 12:34 PM