December 12, 2011A Light Bulb to Relationships
Dr. Laura,
For a little bit of background, I am 35 years old, divorced and dating a man (my MAN) for about 1 year, and our intentions are to marry in a year, or so.
I was introduced to your radio show a couple years back by my mom, and always loved the way you were so straightforward and how you always tell it like it is. My mom also suggested your book, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, which I just finished reading two days ago.
I need to say THANK YOU for this book. As a young woman who struggled through life in an extremely feminist and man-hating society, I desperately wished to understand why the world is this way, or why this way was not working in MY life. Surely, I couldn't be in the wrong, when the entire world it seemed was acting the same way.
I believe there is a desperate need for young women everywhere to have a guide like this.
After I met my MAN everything for me changed. I was changed from someone who had become bitter and cynical about love, to someone who couldn't hide the love overflowing from inside me. I went from being hardened, to someone soft, feminine and nurturing.
Your book was like a light bulb to me. If this book saves marriages in trouble, I believe it will save marriages, even before they have begun. What an amazing gift!
I have put the book into action in my own relationship, and while it was never lacking to begin with, I am already positive this will ensure our staying in love for years to come.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying the things which are difficult for people to hear. You have already saved my (soon to be) marriage a million times over.
Posted by Staff at 3:00 PM