April 26, 2013
Clueless Parents
God Bless You, Dr. Laura for keeping me on the right path as I raise my children! I was raised without values or morals and was pretty confused as a young lady. I was basically without anything to guide me except my equally silly friends or the latest Hollywood movie. You cured me of my ignorance and at least I'm doing most of the right things for my kids.
Many of the parents around me are clueless. I commented to one mom yesterday that allowing a daughter too much freedom with boys too early is extra trouble and baggage they have to deal with the rest of their lives. I was told my values are not hers and to not to mention this again because she trusts her daughter and knows everything that is going on. After I dried my tears of laughter, I realized I was talking to a 34-year-old on her third marriage who got pregnant out of wedlock when she was 18 or 19.
You would not believe how many stories I have of parents preparing and pimping their daughters out to any boy that comes along. The moms are almost as giddy as the teens. On second thought, you would probably believe it because you hear it all the time, too.
Thank you for helping me help my kids so they can avoid some of the confusion I felt as a teen and young adult!
Posted by Staff at 10:52 AM