April 17, 2013
You Read My Mind!
Hi Dr. Laura,
I have been my husband's girlfriend for 7 years. We have been married for 10, but I didn't read "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" until year two. Thank God! We have 3 boys that we raise together on a ranch.
I married a 4th generation cowboy. My husband has worked for his family his whole life - specifically his father. When the boys started being born, we decided together that I would go to work with him, for his dad on the ranch.We did that because I could take the boys with me and my schedule would be flexible. My husband and his dad have different ideas and argue A LOT. My husband's dad divorced his mom when he and his 2 siblings were young and married his pregnant fling. This woman has been a constant source of frustration for us.
To make a long, long, long story short... She has started attacking me in recent years, setting me up, pitting me against my husband in an effort to make it difficult. She does not want my husband to be successful and takeover the ranch. All of the frustration and resentment started coming in our home and marriage.
Well, you can only eat crap for so long until you get tired of it. I am at that point. I have wanted to call you for a while to get your advice on this. And then...
Imagine my surprise when I checked my mail yesterday and there was an envelope from DrLaura.com. I am a Family Premium member so I can listen when I can't get on SiriusXM. It was a large padded envelope and felt like a book. Had I ordered something and forgot??? Inside was your book,"Surviving a Shark Attack on Land". I was stunned. I was crying. I was in disbelief. Who sent this? My Aunt who I had been whining to??? No. The one book that I don't have of yours, your peeps sent to me for being a Dr. Laura Family Premium member for a year. So, I don't know how you did it, but you somehow knew what I needed. Started reading it yesterday and I know it will help me as much as your other books that I have read.
Thanks for knowing what I needed, without knowing...Mother Laura knows all!Kind of Freaky!
Posted by Staff at 1:09 PM