July 23, 2013
My Reward was Much More Than a Trip to Disneyland
Hi Dr. Laura!
It’s because of my Dad that I am such a big Dr. Laura fan that I am today – As he was a great big fan of yours when he was still here. He would often reiterate things you would say, not just to me, but with co-workers and friends alike! Everyone who knew him, would certainly know of you too. He loved you for supporting our troops, and for the life changing advice you would give your callers… As his daughter and only child, he knew the importance of me being influenced by you, especially since “the birds and the bees” subject can be an understandably awkward if not a downright embarrassing discussion for both a dad and a daughter to have. Not to mention such things as “pre-marital sex”, “dating dos and don’ts”, “shacking up”, etc. etc… The way my Dad avoided that embarrassment was by putting YOU in my ears, and YOUR books in my hands! When I was just 16 years old, my dad gave me a copy of Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess up Their Lives - except that he didn’t just give it to me in hopes that I would read it. Oh no, no, no.
It happened on a Friday night when he came home from work. After he set down his things, he said, “I got a book for you today that I would really like for you to read.” When I read the title and who it was by, I looked up at him like he had a third eye ball right smack dab in the middle of his forehead. I said in one of those teen-age whiney tones - “Ah, you want me to read a Dr. Laura book?” He then said, “Actually, I want to make you a deal, if you spend the rest of this weekend reading this book, AND finishing it, then next Saturday morning, you and I will be on the road to spend a day at Disneyland!”
Even though I didn’t want to spend the weekend with my nose in a book that wasn’t fun or teen related, it was an offer I couldn't refuse. That night after dinner, I went up to my room and got to reading it -- actually just sort of skimming it. By mid-morning the next day, I excitedly announced I had finished it! To which my dad said… “You’re done?? Already?? Wow, ok well - I have some questions for you…” My eyes widened. I wasn’t ready for questions; I was ready to talk about DISNEYLAND!
We sat down at the table, and he began to quiz me. By his second question, I had realized that he had actually pre-read the book!! By the time he got to his fourth question, I still hadn’t answered the first three correctly, he looked at me with a disapproving expression.
I explained in my best whiny “not fair” voice – that I did read the book, every sentence even, and that I didn’t know why I couldn’t answer the questions.
Much like you Dr. Laura – my Dad didn’t “do ignorant”.
He said “Ok – but you still didn’t take in the messages that Dr. Laura gives in this book… I want for you to read it again, but this time, actually READ the words. I will know what you have and what you have not read by the answers you are able to provide.”
I sluggishly went back to my room and got to reading….Only this time, really reading. By the third paragraph, I was actually enticed, and completely intrigued. I was learning way more than I was prepared to learn, and soon enough “10 Stupid Things That Women Do to Mess up Their Lives” became and definite page turner! The following night, I couldn’t help but to interrupt my dad’s Sunday Night Football to confidently announce that I was finished… In his high and tight Marine type of a way – He straightened himself up, which was cue for me to brace for the fact that I was about to go through “inspection”.
“ALRIGHT - NUMBER ONE….” He started with the first of what ended up to be TWENTY questions in total. With each and every one, I spout off my answer before he could even finish his question, and by the 20th one, I had answered every one of them correctly! He felt confident that I had taken in the messages that he wanted me to take in – and sure enough - that next Saturday morning, we were up and on the road to Disneyland by 7 am, and had a terrific day together.
Many parents will say that all they want for is for their child is to have a “happy life”… Well, my dad wasn’t one of those… My dad wanted me to live life in a way that held honor, integrity, respect, grit, appreciation, honorable ethics, and above all - the knowledge to make decisions that I could and can be proud. He wanted me to have the tools to make the right decisions that were going to be deciding factors in the way my life would ultimately turn out.
One of the biggest factors in how my life has played out thus far, was from the choice I made in the man I married. I married a man who puts my happiness before his own, who would unquestionably swim through shark infested waters 3 times over to bring me ice chilled lemonade. I married a man who was willing to work for the approval from a father who was a Retired United States Marine Corps Master Sergeant who proudly served his country for 20 years. As you can imagine, gaining the approval from a man of this stature in marrying his one and only “little girl” was in no way an easy feat. It took an enormous amount of unfaltering respect, and honor, and any sort of “slip up” was unacceptable.
My husband not only never missed a beat of what was expected of him, but 12 years ago on the day that my dad walked me down the aisle to marry this man, he affectionately called him “the son he never had”.
The day I married my husband, I went from the pedestal of my dad - directly to the pedestal of my husband. I married a man who treats me with an unwavering amount of love and respect, and even though my dad is no longer with us, he still treats me as though my dad were still here ready and able to take care of business if he ever slipped up. I am proud to be my husband’s his wife, and the stay-at-home mom of our two children. And the man who I chose to marry, wouldn’t have it any other way.
When I was just a young 16-year-old teeny bopper – I thought that my weekend being spent with my nose in Dr. Laura’s book was going to be rewarded with my Dad giving me a trip to Disneyland… But it turns out that the grand prize was my dad giving me the key to learning what it takes in order to have the life that I am living and loving today…
Thank you so much Dad – And to you, Dr. Laura, as well.
Love and Blessings,
Posted by Staff at 11:02 AM