April 12, 2013
A Thank You from My Future Children
I am 25 years old and have a beautiful vision for my future that includes a big happy family, a lifelong marriage, and at least a dozen grandchildren.
I'm at that age where many of my friends have quickly gotten married, and had a couple children already. While some are doing great, many of them are already divorced and raising children on their own. I grew up as an only child from a broken home and although I was fortunate to have a devoted mother, I still spent years of my life longing for a big family around me. Despite this longing, I knew early on that taking a patient and wise approach would pay off.
You confirmed this for me. Although I had listened to you as a child, I found you again and started listening to you every day about 2 years ago. You taught me probably the most important lesson of my life and that lesson is how to love my children well before they even exist.
You taught me to love my children by choosing wisely and treating kindly - so that they will not have to experience divorce like I did. My future husband will be a lucky guy due to how you've helped shape me.
You taught me to develop a code of values and morals for myself - so I can choose someone who shares those values - and we can raise our children in a household that harvests strong character.
You taught me to think about my career in the long term, and helped me to choose a career that will allow me to be primarily a full-time parent. I spent the last 7 years building a successful business that will eventually transition to a part time, work-from-home business so I can be there every day with my kids.
You taught me to take care of myself and prioritize nutrition, a concept this 90's kid- who grew up on Spaghetti-os and Lucky Charms knew absolutely nothing about. Through this, I will not only be able to teach my children great nutrition from the start, but I will ensure that I am there for my children, healthy and alive, for many, many years.
In a society that values impulse, you taught me patience and foresight. I can only hope that a few decades down the road when my future children are grown and making their own big decisions about life, they too will thank you for what you taught their mother and what she taught them.
Thank you for all you do.
Posted by Staff at 11:40 AM