February 27, 2013Teaching Ethics
Listeners sent in many responses to the question, "What do you think is the best way to teach kids ethics?" Here are just a few:
I had to smile the other day during a fun game of basketball between 14 year old boys. My son's friend commented that a certain basketball shot was "F...ing lucky and no skill was involved. My son stopped the game and simply stated that we don't talk that way in our family and he needed to stop or he would have to leave.
Since they were little I told my kids we have NO control over what others do yet if people want to spend time with us we have standards and expect certain behaviors.
Every day I explain to my kids that the world is all about choices and in the end we are judged by our choices. On this day I know my teaching, preaching and nagging are helping make the world a better place.
It's incredibly easy. Act ethically in your life and your kids will quickly learn that. When they act unethically, the simplest approach is the Dr. Laura approach- make them earn their rights and privileges back- time unlimited
I teach ethics to my 2 children by living and being a good example. I also explain to them the reasons why my wife and I do the things we do so they understand. We communicate almost daily on the things that are currently going on in our daily lives. We also give them an opportunity to see how they would handle the situation and give them feedback accordingly. I believe morals and principles are how we choose to live our lives and ethics are how we choose to act on them. So far our children seem to be understanding these due to the way they are living their lives. I can only hope that our preparation of our children to adults has a life long positive result.
First of all, I ask my children when they make a choice, why they are going to make that choice. If it has moral implications, they should question themselves if it is right or wrong. And what are the consequences in either case. Parents, teachers and adults have to be so the kids can learn from them. Teaching ethics and morals should begin in the home and later at school. If the parents are not ethical or moral, then I do not believe the children will be either.
Posted by Staff at 9:44 AM