February 4, 2013
Things Are Looking Up!
Hi Dr. Laura!
My wife and I have been married almost 10 and a half years. Things started out fantastic, but steadily got worse. A little over a year ago, she left me: part was my fault, part hers. After having felt extremely neglected for years, I had turned to alcohol for comfort, because I had not been getting any from her. She was also talking to a married guy friend who she had known for several years, and that really hurt me.
I kicked the beer and she moved back in and stopped talking to her friend so often. I had also downloaded a lot of your Calls of the Day and listened to them in the car over the past year, many times while she was with me. In the last month or so, she has started "caring and feeding" me more, and our marriage has gone from good to great! She has also started reading "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" in the last couple days, so I think you are rubbing off on her in a very good way. She had almost driven me to the point of an affair, but that is totally out the window now.
I wrote you several months ago, almost on the verge of tears listening to some of the callers who were their kids' mom and their husband's girlfriend. I would have almost killed for that then. But now I do have my wife as a girlfriend again, even with a 6 and an 8 year old and I love it. These last couple months that things have gotten better, you have been 100% correct -- my feelings have changed for her. I am not dreading coming home anymore. I have fallen back in love with her like I used to be. And I am so proud to have her on my arm. We went out for a date night last weekend and she put on her prom dress and got all dolled up for me. That was so huge, because she never wears dresses. It made me really excited she did that for me!
Thank you, Dr. Laura! Keep doing what you are doing. You help people more than you will ever know!!!
Keith, a (Now) Happily married man
Posted by Staff at 2:33 PM