From Now Until Dead, Is This How You Want To Live Your Life?
August 8, 2018
From Now Until Dead, Is This How You Want To Live Your Life?

Hi Dr. Laura:

I work as a traveling nurse and listen to your show as I drive for many hours.  While on my travels, I met a man and began a relationship with him four years ago.  It started out great, but eventually, it turned out not to be a good relationship.

We ended up staying together for 2 1/2 years.  I never felt like I could do anything right.  I would set him off for no reason, and everything was constantly my fault when things went wrong.  I could never be good enough for him.  When I would take steps to leave, he pulled me back in.  In the end, it was your advice "from now until dead is this how you want to live your life?" that rang in my head and heart every day.  After nearly three years, I told him I was breaking up with him for good and moving to another town for work.  His response was simply "ok."

Ah, Dr. Laura, people ask me how I left a relationship after all that time, and I tell them about you and that "from now until dead" quote.  I see people in the same situation I was and all they can say to me is that I was so strong, and they're not.  

For those three years, I kept telling myself he would change, and I could "fix him."  I know I sound like a stupid girl, but I was not - I was just a woman who made stupid decisions for a really long time.  I have the nurse compassion and the nurse "heart," but you made me realize how I was literally killing myself by doing that in this relationship.  

Thank you for the influence you've had on me and how you've given me the courage to change my life for the better.


Remember, all of you can send me "letters" too - by email!  Just sign into (or sign up for) the Dr. Laura Family - it's free - and tell us of your experiences. 

Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM