August 31, 2011
Watch Me All Day

Yesterday I was at the park with my 3 year old. Two 8 year old girls came to play shortly after we arrived. There was no one else at the park, so they took an interest in my son. They asked his age and when I replied, they asked, "Why isn't he in day care? He's three, and he's supposed to be in day care." I immediately replied, "Oh no, no, no! He is supposed to be with his Mom." "Well who teaches him?"… etc. they asked. I said, "Oh! We have fun all day doing things together."

It was so sad to think little girls are being brought up today thinking 3 year olds are SUPPOSED to be in day care… like that's the norm!

Well, I had forgotten all about that encounter by the time we arrived home. However, I was reminded of it this morning, when my 3 year old and I threw the sofa cushions into a pile so he could jump off the armrest and dive into the soft pile. He looked at me with the cutest expression and asked, "Momma, watch me all day!" Then he asked me, "Do you want to do it too?" I smiled wide.

I think his comment says it all about where little 3 year olds want to be during the day -- with their mom, where they can have Mom watch them all day!

I have learned children do not need pre-school or day care to get ahead in school. They need the old-fashioned stay-at-home Mom who gives them loving attention through out the day.

We certainly agree with you on this issue. Thank you for what you do...keep it up for another 30 years or so!



Posted by Staff at 12:00 AM