March 21, 2012Christianity and Self-pleasure
You had a call from a divorced father who came home early from work and his 17-year-old daughter was masturbating with her door open. He stated he was a born-again Christian and he believed it was wrong and self-abuse.
I wanted to make it clear "born-again" or "evangelical" or "conservative" Christians are NOT unified on this. Check with Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson, for example. Most Christian commentators do say that viewing porn or entertaining certain sexual thoughts such as fantasies of unmarried sex while masturbating are wrong, but the act itself is not wrong as long as it isn't interfering with obligations or depriving a spouse. So, in theory, masturbating while fantasizing about your spouse (even if you don't know who your spouse will be yet) is OKAY to those born-again Christians who say masturbation itself is not a sin.
Guess they'd say any thoughts of Bruce Willis on your part would be wrong. LOL!
Posted by Staff at 1:44 PM