10 Signs Your Relationship Won't Last
October 12, 2017
10 Signs Your Relationship Won't Last

Relationships aren’t butterflies and rainbows all the time. You have to put in work. Yet, some obstacles cannot be overcome. Here are 10 signs your relationship isn’t going to last:

  1. You confuse comfort for love. Many people stay in bad relationships because they are comforted by the familiar. However, that’s a waste of your life. Don’t be afraid of discomfort.

  2. You are kept a secret. If the person you’re dating doesn’t introduce you to his or her friends and family, you’re not on the radar for the long haul.  

  3. It’s all take and no give. All relationships require sacrifice and negotiation, but if the compromise is constant and strenuous, that’s a problem.

  4. Your family and friends disapprove. Listen to the people who love you the most.

  5. You justify bad behavior. You make excuses because your boyfriend/girlfriend had something in his/her childhood. Recognize a pattern when you see one.

  6. Your core values don’t align. Opposites may attract, but they don’t work well together. For example, if you’re religious and he/she isn’t, you’re setting yourself up for a lot of pain down the road, especially when you have kids.

  7. You’re not on the same page. If one of you still likes to party and the other wants to settle down and have kids, you have different priorities.

  8. You don’t communicate. Communication is like oxygen in any relationship. You need to be able to discuss problems, thoughts, dreams, and feelings. When things don’t work, you must brainstorm on how to fix them. You have to work as a team, not treat each other like competitors.

  9. You don’t own your mistakes. Both of you need to be able to say, “I’m sorry,” and mean it.

  10. Someone has cheated, stolen, or lied. Certain behaviors have a one-strike law. If you stick around, it’s not out of love - it’s out of desperation.

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Posted by Staff at 5:25 PM