What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
February 15, 2018
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Dr. Laura:

I have been married for 31 years and have been an enthusiastic listener for the last ten.  I am the oldest child from a large family, and from the time I was a little girl, my dream was to be the mother of many children.  

When I was in third grade, my teacher asked us to write down what we wanted to be when we grew up, and I wrote down "wife and mother."  She quickly corrected me - "No, no - the CAREER you want when you grow up."  I thought, even at that young age, that being a wife and mother WAS a career, but in my third grade mind, I wanted to please my teacher, so I started to think of all the things I could do in the meantime, and wrote them down, but I still wanted to be a mom.

Years later, I graduated magna cum laude from college.  After I got married, I asked my dad if he regretted helping educate me, because it was such a financial sacrifice for my parents.  He didn't hesitate and said "Of course not.  When we helped educate you, we helped educate an entire family!"

Thank you for being a tireless advocate for stay-at-home moms, no matter what level of education we have.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM