Meeting Your Future Daughter-in-Law
August 12, 2014
Meeting Your Future Daughter-in-Law

Hi Dr. Laura,

I absolutely LOVED my mother-in-law. She was full of laughter with funny stories suitably doctored for entertainment value, and love for family. From the moment we first met, she always made me feel welcome in her home. Not once do I recall criticism. When our children were born, she and my father-in-law came to visit for several weeks, cooking, cleaning and teaching me how to care for my new son. I miss them both now that they are gone. But her example as a mother-in-law impressed me so much I became determined to do the same, if and when, our son introduced us to his future wife. To the best of my ability, I have followed her example and it has not failed me. We are anticipating an engagement soon and the rewards of being welcoming and kind are obvious.

Thanks for listening,


My kids' mom


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM