No More Seeds of Resentment
January 22, 2015
No More Seeds of Resentment

Dr. Laura, 

I just finished reading, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands," and started "The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage," but had to stop to thank you. I am a wife and a stay-at-home mom. I've been getting up before 5am to read and it's made all the difference in the world. I've spent a few mornings balling my eyes out, feeling saddened by the pain I have and could have caused my marriage and husband, had I let the seeds of resentment flourish in time. 

We observe Shabbat and Fridays have always been considered TGIFF Thank G-d Its Forgiveness Friday. Before Sundown we look into each other's eyes and ask forgiveness and offer forgiveness, as needed. Following the wisdom from your book, however, I have been given sober judgment. It's been amazing to see my husband's eyes melt and soften when I confess and apologize to him the many ways I have neglected him and not cared for him. If that's not enough, you've equipped me with the 3 A's, which I usually incorporate into a blessing that I speak to him over dinner. That's just a little of what's happened because of you.... 

During the rest of the week, my heart is happy! My actions are directed and my love is powerful! Our home is happier, homier and hornier than ever!! I am learning to be a thermostat, rather than a thermometer! 

You are a blessing. You are a life saver. And my husband and I are eternally grateful for you. The word Shalom in ancient Hebrew is depicted as one who devours chaos... Thank you for showing me how to bring Shalom in my home! 

Many blessings, 


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM