May 3, 2013To the Bride and Groom
Dear Dr. Laura,
Recently, my son married his beloved girlfriend. My short speech at the wedding was partly inspired by, and even directly mentioned - you. Thank you for many years of reason. (signed) Lior.
To the Bride and Groom:
We all dream of leaving a mark; of making a difference in some major way. But as we grow, we learn what really matters is love: to our families, our spouses our friends, to God.
In the small country of Israel, where Mom and I were born, there are two lakes. Both are fed by The Jordan River. One lake is a source of life. It is filled with pure, fresh water, and abounds with fish. It supports a rich eco-system; it provides water for millions of people. The other lake is full of healing benefits and rich in vital minerals; but there is NO life in it. It is so salty that it can sustain no life at all.
How can that be? The answer is this: the Dead Sea, takes in the water from the Jordan River, but no water flows out of it. It takes, but does not give. The other Lake, the Sea of Galilee, also takes water from the Jordan in the north, but then it gives water to the south. This process of taking as well as giving allows it to constantly replenish itself. Relationships are much like these two lakes. A relationship can only thrive when it gives as well as receives.
A wise woman has summed up the so-called "secret" to a great marriage as the mere presence of two ingredients. First, she says, "Choose wisely." Second: "Treat kindly." Right now, the two of you are half way there.
Posted by Staff at 12:23 PM