March 11, 2019Be Grateful for Dumb Women
Hi Dr Laura,
My first husband found love with his hairdresser after 12 years of marriage with me. I guess therapy was clearly showing his immaturity and he shacked up with a 28-year-old, 15 years his junior. Maybe she made him feel more mature.
After years of praying for one dumb woman to let a good man go, I got a call from an old friend telling me how she was having a "torrid love affair with a doctor" and she was divorcing her husband. (The four of us go way back to the '80s when she and I were in nursing school together.) I loved my husband, but I knew the kind of man she had married: faithful, hardworking, and a fine father of 3. I called him to hear how 25 years of marriage can mean so little to a person. Well, Dr. Laura, he was a wreck. He was totally oblivious to her jaunts with the boyfriend, the doctor. (The safety and security of faithfulness is so important). He felt comfortable in opening up to me, especially with so much history of us all palling around together when we were single and then as the children came.
He told me they had one more counseling session and I was worried yet satisfied in feeling only the best would come from that session. What would be was meant to be. I prayed the entire time they were meeting. 30 minutes later, I received a call from him. The session went with her telling him she never loved him, thus setting him free, and for us to begin a new life together!!
Dr. Laura, we married and he is the best thing to ever happen to me. We have a beautiful life we are building together. He got his motorcycle license as I asked of him. We have a Harley which we have a blast on together. This man of mine has the most beautiful soul. He is kind and loves my kids as his own. He treats me like a princess and if I can make his life easy for him is justly deserves. We are in our early 50's and have finally found love and commitment the way it was intended to be.
I thank God every day, especially for dumb women.
Most sincerely and thank you for all you do,
Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM