May 13, 2010
Getting "Physical"
IconLast week was my annual "girl parts" checkup - pelvic exam and mammogram.  I am grateful to be able to say that all's well with me.I'm blogging about this because I want all you men and women to have your yearly physicals, including full blood work, cancer screening, colonoscopies (I do that every 5 years now), and maybe even a full body scan.Ultimately, it really doesn't matter what does or doesn't "run in your family."  Your body physiology and behaviors (such as nutrition, substance abuse, physicality, and environment) are all unique to you, so don't think you're "safe" because no one in your family has "such and such."I also realize that many of you may be scared that if you get a checkup, something will be found.  Well, that logic would be okay with me IF not going to a doctor for a physical insured that you wouldn't get anything serious.  That's just not how life works.I'm always nervous before my yearly exams.  At 62, I figure I will eventually have to deal with something, although I just might go out mid-breath in my sleep at age104.  I take very good care of myself, never know.  After I finish the battery of tests, and get a happy answer, I can breathe easier, and I go out and play.I will admit that I hate going for dental checkups, however, because they usually DO find something I have to deal with (ugh).  But I have a really cool ceramic molar implant with a tiny American flag painted on it - occasionally, doing something crazy  like that is how I cope.

Posted by Staff at 1:05 AM