Love, Respect, And Sweetness
February 13, 2019
Love, Respect, And Sweetness

I picked up "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" for a friend, and then I started reading it first!  I immediately saw how I had inadvertently discounted my amazing and patient husband!  We adore one another - he is a man of integrity, tough but compassionate, and he has a huge heart.  I had been guilty of placing him in last place to tend to the kids, house, schedules, and even our new puppy.  

After reading only a few pages, I was in tears as I called to "check in" and see what he wanted for dinner.  I told him that I couldn't wait to just hang out and see him when he got home.  He has always been on-board with my being a stay-at-home mom, and he is always there for me.  That's all the more reason he deserved more "TLC" from me, his wife.  There aren't many wonderful men like him, and I am so thankful he's my husband.  Thanks to you - I am now much more intentional about telling him this and treating him with love and respect and sweetness.  While our marriage was still good, I changed MY attitude, and it got a whole lot better.  Thank you for telling us girls the truth!


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Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM