March 20, 2019
It's Worth It When You See That They Are Happy
Hi Dr. Laura:
I was a professional woman, working my head off, and then I had my daughter. After looking into her eyes, I could not return to work and sentence her to a life in daycare. I walked away from my job, and with my husband an active-duty Marine at the time, we figured out a way to live on his income. It wasn't easy. We were down to one car, and we lived in base housing. There were days it was overwhelming, but looking into her face, I knew it was totally worth it.
During the 1970s, being a stay-at-home mom was uncommon, and I was told numerous times that I should work simply because I had two degrees and they thought that I was wasting my education. That was very hurtful, yet all I had to do was look at my children (I had two by that time), and know it was the right thing to do. Both my children are now grown and have children of their own, and they still tell me that when they came home from school, it was great to see me there waiting for them. There are no words to describe how that made me feel. They are following my example and that is the reward for me as well as them.
Please keep telling young mothers to raise their children themselves and make whatever sacrifices that are necessary to make that happen. Sacrifices are not so hard when you look in your children's faces and see that they are happy.
Remember, all of you can send me "letters" too - by email! Just sign into (or sign up for) the Dr. Laura Family - it's free - and tell us of your experiences.
Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM