Your Words Made The Difference
July 1, 2019
Your Words Made The Difference

Dr. Laura,

I am writing because I wanted to thank you for offering advice to a caller 21 years ago. A kind and bright young woman was struggling with her sense of self-worth and trying to figure out her place in the world and in the relationships that were to shape her future. You told her that the capacity of her parents to love is not a reflection of her value or how much she should be loved.

The point of my message is to let you know, that your words have made all the difference for me. I was a newlywed then and am still married to same wonderful man. My parents died 10 years and 16 years after the day I heard your call. I am sure that your advice gave me the perspective and courage to be more loving to them and to have a healthier perspective. So thank you. Your compassion is remarkable and memorable. 

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Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM