I am grateful my husband frequently listened at work to your program 25 years ago. With you on his shoulder, he mapped out our budget so that I could be a stay-at-home mom once our new baby arrived. My own mother had been a working mom and I had never imagined myself in a different role. Being my daughter's mom, however, became my best job ever. While simultaneously demanding and enriching, it was a life-changing experience.
I have great memories of spending constant-companion time with her, including listening to her mimicking you from her back-seat booster in my car: "Hi, welcome to the program! How can I help you today?" We listened to you whenever we were on the go in my car.
Next, I made a career choice while she was in grade school. As I helped out as the "room mom," I decided to return to school for my degree in education. I've now taught fifth grade for 15 years.
I can see how my at-home experience was great role-modeling for my daughter too. She's getting married soon, and she's planned her career choices around the goal of being a stay-at-home mom in the future.
Keep on rockin' and talkin' about those of us who raise our kidlets!