My Boss Didn't Like Me at First...
October 22, 2012
My Boss Didn't Like Me at First...

Prior to becoming an employee of "Bill", I had heard he would stab me in the back and micromanage me, so I decided from the outset I would do my best to win him over.

During my second day on the job, he told me if my work so far had been an interview, he wouldn't hire me because I lacked experience in a particular skill set. I responded by saying that if he had any training materials or ideas on how I could get myself up to speed, I would spend as much of my own time as necessary to utilize them -- which I did. When other people within the company would criticize "Bill," I would always say something positive about him, and looked for legitimate opportunities to affirm or compliment him. Eventually, he realized I had his back and I was a team player.  Our working relationship became one of trust and mutual respect. I started out asking him for details about how he wanted assignments to be carried out, and within a couple of months, he began telling me to use my own judgment, as "my own ideas were better than his".

Thanks for your ministry, Dr. Laura; I am a huge fan and although I don't get to listen to your show regularly anymore, I've still got your back.


P.S. I have been hooked on sailing ever since I got a ride on a sunfish almost 40 years ago.

Posted by Staff at 1:01 PM