What Would Dr. Laura Tell Us To Do?
April 12, 2018
What Would Dr. Laura Tell Us To Do?

Dear Dr. Laura:

My husband and I are foster parents to a wonderful, bright 10-year-old girl.  When she studies, she gets 100% on her spelling tests.  Recently, she has been pushing back on studying and her grade has slipped.  In the past, my husband and I would have fought with our children and forced them to study.  Now we think "what would Dr. Laura tell us to do?

I'm happy to say we followed your basic advice, and let our girl fail a little, then asked her how she felt about her grades.  We didn't make a big deal out of it, but instead, told her that when she was ready to study more, we would support her and quiz her if she wanted.  Today, she asked us to quiz her!  It was no big deal.  We didn't go crazy jumping up and down, but we said we were proud of her decision to better herself and her grades. 

It was hard to watch her fail without feeling like we were not doing enough to encourage her, but it was the right thing to do, and I will NEVER forget the lesson we learned from the parenting tips you give on your program.  Thanks.


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Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM