A Mother Is A Priceless Gift For A Child
July 24, 2018
A Mother Is A Priceless Gift For A Child

Dear Dr. Laura:

I chose to be a stay-at-home mom when my twins were born 15 years ago.  We have a third child now who is almost 12.  I have a college degree and an MBA, and I never think that my education was useless or a waste of my time.  I think my education made me who I am.  I can think logically, see both sides of a situation, and many other things I learned in school apply to my job at home.  I truly enjoy being at home for and with my kids, and they are who they are because I have been around every day when they needed me.  

When my kids started kindergarten, they cried because they weren't used to being without me.  They were the only kids crying, so I thought they were the "strange" ones, until I realized that all the other kids were USED to being dropped off with someone, so this wasn't different for them.  One day, the teacher said to me "You must take your kids to all kinds of places, as they seem to know a lot of things."  She told me that half the kids in the class had never even gone to a grocery store.  They also didn't know how to behave in a classroom.  

I believe the stay-at-home mom role is a priceless gift to our children that cannot be replicated anywhere else by anyone else.  My kids know that after school, I am home for them to help with homework and make a home-cooked meal.


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Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM