November 30, 2010Girlfriends Compete Over Wedding Days

I had a caller on the air recently who flabbergasted me, and that doesn't happen often. After being on the air more than 30 years, I've heard lots and lots that has touched me or stunned me. This one was a "stunner."
The young woman caller told me that she has a friend she's had since childhood. They've gone through school together and they've been very competitive over the years. Hmmm.
Well, my caller told me she was engaged and planning a wedding, and her friend is also engaged and planning a wedding....and the friend's wedding is happening sooner than hers.
"SHE STOLE MY THUNDER," my caller said.
What? The triviality with which this young woman saw "friendship" and "marital vows" was astounding. I gasped and said that her friend's wedding - nor any other event in the world - could steal any thunder, as it was not about thunder. It was about lifelong vows in front of God, family and community to love, honor, and cherish 'til death do you part.
She hung up on me.
I don't blame her. I was hoping she was ferociously ashamed of using a man who loved her with vows of love, loyalty and fidelity as a "win" over a girlfriend. Yeesh!
My heart goes out to this guy, who will probably have to get her pregnant before her friend and get the new car and house before her friend does. He won't be measured by his character and warmth -- he'll be measured by how much and how fast he gets her to trump her "friend."
I was praying he or someone from his family heard this call and warned him off this marriage.
If you know him....please give him my condolences.
Posted by Staff at 3:29 PM