February 22, 2011The Best Mom in the World

Dear Dr. Laura,
At 19 years old, I've decided I have the best mom in the world. Why? Because when I look back on my life, she did everything right FOR ME. And when I hurt her, she still looked out FOR ME. No matter what I do wrong, I can't 'make' her go away I can't lose her. She is the most selfless woman I have ever known and I thank God every day she is MY mom and mom to my precious little brothers. I don't deserve her I have previously been absolutely horrid to her. But I'm so glad she is who she is because today, I still get to pick up my phone and call her and hear her words of love and support.
When my parents divorced when I was two years old, my mom wanted to be there FOR ME as a stay at home mom despite being a single parent. She played with me, her only daughter by day, and worked as an LA County Sheriff by night. A sacrifice I was too young to appreciate, that I now am so thankful for.
At four she met my step dad, who stepped up to the plate and was there for me always. He meant the world to me, especially as I started to appreciate he was there when my biological dad couldn't be bothered. My mom didn't choose him solely for herself. Once again she was looking out FOR ME.
When my dad would say cruel, untrue things about my mother to me as a young girl, I then repeated them to my mom, too young to find the real truth. My mom did not retaliate with comments that were true of my father. My mom just listened to her little girl tell her how Daddy said it was her fault we weren't a family. Never did a word leave her mouth badmouthing my father because it was hard enough FOR ME to hear such things from him.
When I was a selfish 17 year old convinced that nothing was so awful as being in the same house with my parents, my mum took everything I did and put it aside despite her own hurt and anguish. She still supported me and my goals and did everything she could FOR ME to get where I wanted to be.
To this day, I don't do everything exactly as she may wish I would. But one thing has changed. I undervalued my mom growing up now I can understand and appreciate her so much more. No matter what I do, especially if I know she may not agree, I do my best to make sure she knows just how much she means to me. That she knows I think she was and is "WonderMom". Because when you look back at my life, the number of times I say she did things "for me" should be proof enough of that. But she didn't just do them for me out of obligation she did them "for me" because she loves me and aims to protect me, even to this day.
So in case I haven't told her enough, I love you mom. I love you for everything you have done for me and everything you've forgiven me for. And I thank YOU Dr. Laura for encouraging moms to stay at home with their kids, to truly be there for them. As a kid, I know I didn't really care, but as an adult, it means so much and I aim to someday be as amazing of a stay at home mom as my own mom.
Posted by Staff at 11:05 PM