November 22, 2010
Middle School Boy Deemed "Intolerant"
IconI am very big on the concept of tolerance.  I tell folks every day on my radio program to "tolerate" the eccentricities of others as they tolerate yours.  However, I fear that in the private and public sectors, tolerance is being spelled "C-O-W-A-R-D-I-C-E." There isn't a day that goes by you don't hear from someone that making a generalization about world terrorism and Islam is a display of intolerance, in spite of the fact that Islamic world terrorism is a fact.  You are brow-beaten down from facing reality because, when you do, an organization like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) comes after you with a vengeance.  People in the media have lost their jobs over stating reality, because it was deemed "intolerant." When you don't want a monument to Islam to be built in the sight of the fall of the World Trade Center, well, you are intolerant and racist. Our own President avoids connecting the words Islam and terrorism. We have a woman journalist in America who is in permanent hiding because of an international fatwah (hit list) against her for suggesting that people participate in a "draw Mohammed day."  I don't see the world's moderate Muslims tracking down the perpetrators of this fatwah or offering her protection. Recently, we had a middle school boy in Sacramento, California ride to school with an American flag on his bike in order to recognize Veteran's Day.  The school district forbade him to do that lest it show "intolerance."  Truth was some Hispanic students threatened to harm this little boy.  What? It turns out the principal was afraid of the violent Hispanic children and, instead of protecting this little boy, cowardly backed down and forbade the showing of the flag of the United States of America.  The principal commented the Hispanic students would want to fly the Mexican flag and this would turn into violence. The school district reversed the decision when this became a national story. Moreover, politicians have become disgustingly un-American with their commentaries on the heartlessness and bigotry of those who support legal immigration.  Some politicians and pundits act like having national boundaries and sovereignty is a crime against humanity.  Some politicians and pundits have the gall to call people who support legal immigration "bigots," "hate-filled," or "racists."  This is utterly horrendous, and is an example of one party attempting to get power in America by catering to those who disdain our laws and sovereignty simply to gain power, power, power. America used to stand for something, and was such a symbol France gave us the Statue of Liberty as a gift! We are having our tolerance used against us by forces that would destroy us.

Posted by Staff at 2:13 PM