February 22, 2013
Have a Listening Party with Your Kids
We allow our children the freedom to listen to most music. My husband and I raise our children to have morals, respect for themselves and others, and to live a Christian lifestyle. My nineteen-year-old daughter mainly listens to modern/rap Christian music, my fourteen-year-old son listens to classical and my six-year-old daughter listens to children songs and her favorite Disney stars songs. As my children are not perfect, I have found some very inappropriate music on my oldest child's iPod. By discussing the contents with her and not at her, she now makes good choices on her own.
My husband and I both love music and it's an important part of our lives. He grew up listening to metal and I love rap. We didn't honestly even understand the meanings of a lot of the lyrics we listened to when we were kids. As we have gotten older and now have children of our own, we really wish our parents would have been more involved in checking out our music to have better guided us in our choices. So, parents, please be involved in what music your children listen to. It can shape some of their thinking and morals.
Music is a great tool to bring families and people together. Don't be afraid to tryout the new 'hip' music that your children like and share your music with your children. I believe parents will be pleasantly surprised how open kids are to listening to different types of music. Keep it a positive experience for all and have a dance party with your children.
Posted by Staff at 10:53 AM