Hangin Out With Dr. Laura
October 20, 2016
Hangin Out With Dr. Laura

Dr. Laura:

I've been listening to you since I was 11 years old.  At that time, I referred to you as "the tough but always right" lady!  I'm now 27 and married.  My husband and I dated for two years before we got married.  Our childhoods were completely different.  I had loving and nurturing parents.  He was raised by his grandparents and never knew his biological father.  His mother married again when he was 4 years old and ended up having five kids with the new husband.  My husband was pushed aside and watched his mother give her undivided attention to her new husband and each new kid.  But somehow he still became the loving man that he is and that I married.

Every night when he comes home from work, I share some things I learned from your show.  We're expecting our first child, and we've agreed that I will leave my full time job and raise our daughter.  I was relieved that he was so on board with this idea.  And he smiled when he told me that I will be able to stay home and hang out with YOU, Dr. Laura!  

He even asked me if you had a book for Dads so they could be good at raising daughters!  I was speechless.  That's when I realized that what you do for my family is beyond what I can ever thank you for.  I think you're also secretly my husband's best friend, as I'm always his girlfriend.  Thanks, Dr. Laura for making your way into my life and finding a way to stay.  I wouldn't have it any other way.


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM