Honor Them By Being Happy
September 6, 2016
Honor Them By Being Happy

Dr. Laura:

My beloved son and only child died 5 1/2 years ago of a drug overdose.  I was beyond broken, wishing to die so I could be with him.  I looked normal, I interacted, smiled and I worked, but inside I was really dead and just going through the motions.  I thought my life now had no purpose.  

One year later, I was still a broken mess, but then I heard you on the air talk to a woman who had also lost a child and who was having trouble moving forward.  You told her that she wasn't honoring her child by grieving her life away; rather, she was throwing away the beautiful gift of life that she did have.  You told her "you honor him by doing for others in his name.  You honor him by being happy."  

That night, I looked for volunteer opportunities, and found an advocacy group for preventing addiction and celebrating recovery from addiction.  I became part of their team and met wonderful people.  I was doing meaningful work, and within weeks, I felt like a new person.  There is truly healing in helping others.  My life is now full, happy and meaningful.  I still miss my boy, but I focus on being grateful for the 22 wonderful years I got to spend with him.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart, as you continue to be a beacon of hope for others.  Sending much love your way,


Posted by Staff at 10:59 AM