Son, Are You A Man?
May 14, 2019
Son, Are You A Man?

Dear Dr. Laura,

I am a 55 year old widow. My husband died suddenly over 9 years ago when my sons were 11 and 12. My younger son, 20, is an outstanding young man. My older son,22, is not.

When speaking with my older son yesterday, he was crying about his girlfriend. Having heard the same story many times, all of a sudden, I sat up straight and let him have it.
I said, "Son, you are a grown man. Are you letting a little girl run your life? Do you have any balls?" He exclaimed, "Mom!" I said, "You know, those parts of you between your naval and your knees." He said quietly, "Yes." I said, "I can't hear you." He said firmly, "Yes, mom." I said, "Well act like it, be a man and quit crying about this. You are strong and capable, quit acting like a little boy."
It felt so good! Surprised him and surprised myself. Thank you Dr. Laura, I took your words and was able to parent appropriately. You are the best!

Most Sincerely,


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Posted by Staff at 10:58 AM