October 18, 2012Grateful to Be There When Needed
Because I work part-time from home, I was able to save my children from a ridiculously long bus ride to school every day.
We only live a mile from our elementary school but their bus ride was an hour long, taking them on a tour of the town before arriving at school after the late bell had rung. My kids were stressed out before they even began their school day.
Because I’m home, I was able to spend time making calls, dealing with the school district, the transportation department, and emailing the superintendent. I drove them to school myself until I received a call letting me know the bus route had been changed. My kids now happily ride to school for ten minutes with their friends.
Had I been working full-time, I would never have the chance to help them out this way. Big kids still need their moms and I am so grateful I get to be here when they need me. I'm only a phone call away as I work at my computer.
Thank you for encouraging women to have it all, but to do so in the right order, at the right time and not at the expense of their children.
Keep fighting the good fight...
BabyCenter.com conservative blogger
Author of Doing Time: What it really means to grow up in day care
Posted by Staff at 2:02 PM