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Email of the Day: A Day In the Life with My Grandkids

By Dr. Laura on July 29, 2024
Email of the Day: A Day In the Life with My Grandkids

As a grandfather and frequent listener, I appreciate how you champion the importance of stay-at-home moms. I thought of you at the end of a recent day and wanted to share the joy grandparents have when they’re able to be a part of such a home environment.


Last Tuesday, when I opened the door to my grandchildren’s house, I was greeted with screams of happiness when they saw their β€œPops.” They all ran to show me their latest treasures, and we spent the day coloring and playing. The oldest is in 3rd grade, and after we picked him up from school, we went for ice cream and French fries. While we were in the drive-through, a bus pulled up to the nearby daycare and a child, about the age of my eldest grandson, got out to probably spend the next several hours at the afterschool facility. While we were all laughing and talking with treats in our hands, this child was spending the afternoon without any family.


At the end of our day together, the littlest one stood up, hugged my leg and made little lips for me to bend down and give her a kiss. Having been a parent, I know moms and dads often don't see the big picture of their parenting decisions. But, now as a grandparent, I cannot tell you the reassurance I feel that my grandchildren will be alright thanks to their stay-at-home mom.




A Day In the Life with My Grandkids


Grandparents, this one's for you! What has brought you pride in your children's parenting? Share your thoughts with me by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!



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